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What does Poison Oak, & Ivy actually look like?

Since identification can be tough, knowing what poisonous plants are common in the area you're exploring is super important. Check out our blog post on identifying Poison Oak & Ivy


Where will I find Poison Oak and/or Ivy?

(Link to blog post on locations/heat map), Better description of locations


What causes the rash when touching Poison Oak or Ivy?

Introduce Urushiol... About how it works and why you get a rash when it stays on your skin.


What does Urushiol look like on your skin, and how do you know you've been exposed to it?

Explain that it is an oil, but it is clear... Invisible.
And how you typically don't know that you've been exposed unless you identify it and touch it... And that the best way to prevent is to wash as if you have touched it every time you are in the vicinity.


What should I do if I have been exposed to Poison Oak or Ivy?

You have a window of time to remove it from your skin.

Scrub it like you mean it - as if you're removing grease off your skin... Use a wash cloth if possible.


Does everyone get a rash when exposed to Urushiol?

15% of people don't get the rash.

100% can transfer the oils to other people and surfaces.


How long before a rash from Poison Oak or Ivy appears?

Can range between a few hours and a couple days.


How long does a rash from Poison Oak or Ivy typically last?

Varies from person to person, but typical numbers are anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks.


Will Urushiol stay on my clothes, gear, pets, etc.?

Yes. The toxins from Poison Oak, Ivy and Sumac can last for years.


Can I get a Poison Oak or Ivy rash by touching someone else who has it? Is it contagious?

No - the rash from Poison Oak or Ivy is not contagious. Even that nasty, gooey, weepy blister liquid cannot spread the rash.


Is there any way to prevent getting a Poison Oak or Ivy rash before exposure?

Most articles and information about Poison Oak and Ivy encourage you to avoid the plant. The problem is that avoidance typically doesn't fit into active, outdoor lifestyles.

Our position is that because you can't avoid the poisonous plants, try to get really good at recognizing and removing the oils once exposed. Having a thorough routine around exposure and oil removal can prevent you from rashing-up for the rest of your life.

We are experimenting with creating a Urushiol block at the moment, and we'll let you know when it's ready!


Can a Poison Oak or Ivy rash spread throughout your body through your bloodstream?

(reword - from article)

Systemic poison ivy is an extreme allergic reaction to the urushiol oil found in a poison ivy plant. Unlike a typical reaction to poison ivy, which causes a localized rash to appear on the skin where contact took place, a systemic reaction is one that is not isolated to one area. These rashes may spread all over the body, including to areas that had no direct contact with the plant. This condition can be life-threatening, but there are treatments available.


What should I do if my Poison Oak or Ivy rash becomes unbearable and topical medications seem to not work?

Any person who suspects systemic poison ivy reaction should seek medical attention. A doctor will most likely prescribe steroid injections, starting the patient at a fairly high dose which gradually tapers off over the course of a few weeks. Antihistamines and over-the-counter medications, such as diphenhydramine, may also be taken to ease breathing and relieve discomfort. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required.



How does the Exposure Wash work?

Talk about the active ingredients that remove the oil, including charcoal.

Also talk about how the abrasive elements help pull up the oil from the skin.


When should I use the Exposure Wash?

Ideally, immediately after exposure.

Depending on your reaction to Urushiol, you might be good up to 4 hours after exposure...

Science about how the toxins sink into your skin and the longer you wait, the higher chance of reaction.


What is the best way to use the Exposure Wash?

Use a washcloth and scrub as if you're trying to remove grease and oil from your body.

Scrub hard and rinse thoroughly. Then throw the washcloth in the laundry with your exposed clothing.

Keep it in your shower for post-trail or gardening routine.

Take it with you when you go camping.


How does the Relief Scrub work?

Talk about the active ingredients and how they work to relieve and heal your skin.
Speak to the cooling of the cream, and that if you want it to continue, to use a wet paper towel to reactivate the healing elements.


What are the abrasive elements in the Exposure Wash and Relief Scrub

Jojoba Esters. Briefly speak to them vs. Microbeads and then link to the blog article.

When should I start applying the Relief Scrub?

Immediate signs of a rash appearing. It is NOT preventative, but why be in itchy pain any more than you have to.

How often should I use the Relief Scrub?

Whenever you want... Start/end of the rash you will use less simply because the itch is lesser than the height of the reaction.
Jon, how long would you say the relief lasts?


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